
Climate with Kamal

A collection of 3 posts
🏵 Building transformative learning experiences for climate action 🏵
Climate Education 3 min read

🏵 Building transformative learning experiences for climate action 🏵

It's worth thinking critically about how education can best serve people ready to take on the climate crisis.

Why We All Need to Elevate the Feminine in Climate Work
Climate with Kamal 4 min read

Why We All Need to Elevate the Feminine in Climate Work

Are masculine-dominated approaches to climate action working? Not really. If we want to have a chance at climate stability, we all need to elevate the feminine in climate work.

Why I love solar
Climate with Kamal 2 min read

Why I love solar

Kamal Kapadia pursued a journey, in the 1990s, from India to the UK, learning about off-grid solar potential and contributing to rural electrification. Now, as solar growth exceeds predictions, Kamal sees it as a key tool against climate change, despite challenges.