Daniel Potter

Author Daniel Potter


Daniel Potter is Terra.do's lead climate writer. His science communications work has also included reporting for NPR and writing for the Monterey Bay Aquarium and the Natural History Museum of Utah.

Daniel Potter is Terra.do's lead climate writer. His science communications work has also included reporting for NPR and writing for the Monterey Bay Aquarium and the Natural History Museum of Utah.

Are Messages of Climate Doom More Harm than Good?
2 min read

Are Messages of Climate Doom More Harm than Good?

How We Go Beyond the Disempowering Headlines

She Always Thought She'd Go Back for a Master's. She Didn't Need One to Start Her Climate Career.
4 min read

She Always Thought She'd Go Back for a Master's. She Didn't Need One to Start Her Climate Career.

After our Learning for Action fellowship, Lauren Louie found a role merging her finance skills with her drive for climate action.

Climate Anxious? Try Climate Action.
4 min read

Climate Anxious? Try Climate Action.

We know what it's like to worry about the climate crisis. Doing something about it often helps people feel better.

How Will Terra.do Help Me Land a Climate Job?
4 min read

How Will Terra.do Help Me Land a Climate Job?

Insights from our first four years of our Climate Change: Learning for Action fellowship

What’s a Typical Week Like in Our Learning for Action Course?
4 min read

What’s a Typical Week Like in Our Learning for Action Course?

Here’s what you can expect as a fellow in our flagship climate action accelerator.

What’s With the Name Terra.do?
3 min read

What’s With the Name Terra.do?

The answer ties in with our mission to accelerate climate action.

Carbon Dioxide Removal Projects Need Standards for Credibility. A New Report Found 102 of Them.
2 min read

Carbon Dioxide Removal Projects Need Standards for Credibility. A New Report Found 102 of Them.

If a tree falls in the woods and it isn't monitored, verified, and reported, did the CDR project it's part of really happen?