Author Sarah Anderson


Science journalist at Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism and Ph.D. chemist.

Science journalist at Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism and Ph.D. chemist.

The Energy Transition: What Renewable Energy Careers Hold for Oil and Gas Professionals
Climate Careers 4 min read

The Energy Transition: What Renewable Energy Careers Hold for Oil and Gas Professionals

There is a real incentive for people currently working in the oil and gas industry—especially those in the earlier stages of their profession—to transition to renewable energy careers. The key: adaptability and utilizing your experience.

Software Jobs: Finding Tech Careers in Climate
Climate Careers 7 min read

Software Jobs: Finding Tech Careers in Climate

In today’s tech-driven world, there are many ways software jobs can combat climate change; here’s our guide to getting started on transitioning your tech career towards climate solutions.